S1/2 6-157-52 S of R.R.

Lot Number:1
Start Time:2/13/2025 6:00:00 PM
End Time:2/13/2025 10:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Current High Bidder:
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1,000.00
Current Bid:$0.00

***This land sale is being re-opened for bidding in order to provide full disclosure of the drain tile within the property. Please see attached map for reference.***

The Mary E. Newman QTIP Marital Trust offers for sale the following-described property located in Oakwood Township, Walsh County, North Dakota:

That part of the South Half (S1/2) of Section Six (6), Township One Hundred Fifty-Seven (157), Range Fifty-Two (52) lying South of the Railroad
right-of-way (containing 108.75 tillable acres, more or less).

 Bid Procedure:    Bidding will be held online at stevenekmanlaw.com on January 7, 2025.   
                   Bidding will be open from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                   Bids should be in the total amount and not per acre. 
                   The right is reserved to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids

No donations for this lot

***This land sale is being re-opened for bidding in order to provide full disclosure of the drain tile within the property. Please see attached map for reference.***

The Mary E. Newman QTIP Marital Trust offers for sale the following-described property located in Oakwood Township, Walsh County, North Dakota:

That part of the South Half (S1/2) of Section Six (6), Township One Hundred Fifty-Seven (157), Range Fifty-Two (52) lying South of the Railroad
right-of-way (containing 108.75 tillable acres, more or less).

 Bid Procedure:    Bidding will be held online at stevenekmanlaw.com on January 7, 2025.   
                   Bidding will be open from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                   Bids should be in the total amount and not per acre.  The right is reserved to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids.

10% of the purchase price will be due upon acceptance of a bid, and the balance due thirty (30) days later. 

North Dakota
United States